How to format your submission:

  • Submit 5 poems. To allow for poems that are longer than one page, the entire length of your submission can be 8 pages max, but please only include 5 poems in total.
  • Please do not put your name or bio within the body of your manuscript. You will place it in the submission form line.
  • Start each new poem on a new page of your document. Times New Roman, 12 pt. font is preferred.
  • Title the document you upload with “WB2024” and the name of your submission. For example, if your 5-poem sampler is titled Atrophy, title your uploaded document “WB2024.ATROPHY”
  • Acceptable file types for your manuscript: PDF, DOC, or DOCX

Finalists will have access to a link where you must submit a 20-poem manuscript by 11:59 PM PST on June 17. (The five poems you submitted for round one can be included in this.) This will give us a better idea of what your full-length manuscript of 40-50 poems will be like.​

June 17: 20-poem manuscript due.

Video: Along with your manuscript, finalists must submit a video of themselves performing one of the poems from your 20-poem manuscript sample. Upload to youtube and send in email to us. (Full manuscript is 40-50 poems, not due at this time.) 

Please upload this video directly to YouTube and include the link in your submission. Title the video "Write Bloody 2024 Contest (insert your name)".

This video can be creative or simple. It can be done professionally or on your cell phone. It can be filmed at a reading or in your living room. Our goal is to hear and see how you read and perform your work out loud. *Please make sure the audio quality is good enough so we can hear you clearly.*

July 15th: By this date, all finalists will have received an email letting them know if they have been selected to publish a full-length collection with Write Bloody Publishing in 2024!​

Write Bloody